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Solheim Cup 2003: Suksess allerede! 
Allerede nå er Solheim Cup en økonomisk suksess. Også damegolf lokker til seg sponsorer. 

Vi vet fra før at herregolf og sponsing av herregolf har hatt en kraftig vekst de siste årene. Også norske selskaper har begynt å forstå hvor viktig og innbringende golfsponsing er blitt.

Solheim Cup går av stabelen i Sverige neste år. Allerede nå er arrangementet en sikker økonomisk suksess.

Her er utdrag av hva Martin Park i LET (Ladies European Tour) skriver om "Rikets tilstand":


The Evian Ladies European Tour are delighted to announce that next year’s Solheim Cup (the women’s equivalent of the Ryder Cup) in Sweden has already been the most commercially successful tournament since its inception in 1990.  The support for the biannual event played between the best womens’ professional golfers of Europe and America from the commercial sector has been outstanding, with a full official partner rosta  already having been achieved. The Evian Ladies European Tour are proud to announce the following companies that join Ping, the official tournament sponsor, as Official Partners to The Solheim Cup 2003:

Volvo, HP Invent, Hilton Scandic Hotels, ForeningsSparbanken, Ohrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers, American Express and SAS.

This high level of interest clearly shows the steady realisation of the benefits that being involved with professional ladies’ golf can produce for brands.  The companies have committed to the Solheim Cup because of the comprehensive packages being offered including integrated brand exposure and customer experience programmes in the Swedish market as well as live tv coverage across Europe, Asia  and live network TV exposure on NBC in the USA.

Due to September 11th the Ryder Cup was moved from 2001 to 2002 and then every other year hereafter.  As a result this presented a unique situation whereby the Solheim Cup is going to be held on consecutive years 2002 and 2003 before settling on every other year after 2003.

The tournament is to be played out before more than 100,000 12-14th September 2003 at Barsebeck G&CC Malmo Sweden. This staging will mark the first time a European staging of the tournament will have been played outside of the UK.

Golfsiden har fått erfare et det omtrent er umulig å skaffe hotellrom i nærheten av Barsbäck under Solheim Cup i 2003.

Suzann Pettersen blir forhåpentligvis norsk representant i  det europeiske laget.
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