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Nye regler for køllehodestørrelse og køllelengder
Utviklingen på køllefronten går sin gang. Regelverket bestemmer hva som er lov. Nå har United States Golf Association sendt et brev til produsentene om begrensninger på størrelsen på køllehoder og lengden på kølleskaft - bortsett fra puttere. I korthet går forslagene ut på ikke mer enn 460 kubicentimers hoder og ikke lengre enn 48 tommers skaft.

Golfsiden har fått tak i brevet.

Her er ordlyden:

May 14, 2003

Notice To Manufacturers on Head Size and Club Length Limits

In December of 2001 the USGA proposed limits on clubhead volume and club
length. The clubhead volume limit proposal was modified in January
2002. This Notice is to advise manufacturers of an addition to the
clubhead size proposal, a revision to the club length proposal, and
proposed implementation dates for these changes to the Rules.

Clubhead Size for Wood-type Clubs

The USGA has previously proposed a clubhead volume limit of 460 cc plus
10 cc for measurement tolerance. We have received many comments
regarding that proposal. In addition to the previously made volume
proposal, the USGA is now proposing that clubhead heel to toe length and
clubhead sole to crown height will also be limited. The USGA believes
that the use of both volume and dimensional controls will define the
size limitations more effectively than either volume or dimensions
alone. Clubs will be required to conform to both volume and dimensional
limits to be considered conforming.

Clubhead dimensions will be measured with the head positioned at a 60
degree lie angle. If the outermost point of the heel is not clearly
defined, it will be deemed to be 0.875 inches above the horizontal plane
on which the club is lying. The proposed limit for clubhead heel to toe
length is 5.0 inches. The proposed limit for sole to crown clubhead
height is 2.8 inches. Both dimensional limits include an allowance for
measurement tolerance. The method used to measure clubhead length and
height is illustrated in the attached drawing.

Based on clubs already submitted to the USGA, all clubheads measuring
less than 460 cc + 10 cc in volume have length and height dimensions
which are less than the proposed limits.

Club Length

The USGA has previously proposed a club length limit of 47 inches for
clubs other than putters. We have received many comments regarding that
proposal. The USGA is now proposing to increase the club length limit
for clubs other than putters to 48 inches. The measurement method is to
be made with the club in a 60-degree lie angle position from the ground
plane to the end of the grip. This measurement method is illustrated in
the attached drawing.

Proposed Timetable

The USGA proposes that these rules for clubhead size and club length
limit become effective at the next quadrennial publication of the Rules
of Golf, which is January 1, 2004. However, in recognition of the fact
that some clubs exceeding these limits are already in use, a one-year
grace period is being proposed for those clubs, permitting their use
until December 31, 2004.

Written comments regarding the proposed changes to the head size limits
and club length limits as well as the measurement methods for both
should be sent to the USGA, attention Dick Rugge, P.O. Box 708, Far
Hills, NJ 07931, Fax 908-234-0138, e-mail: drugge@usga.org
<mailto:drugge@usga.org> . Written comments received later than July
14, 2003 will not be considered.
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