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Av: Thor Hellenæs
Ser det er en diskusjon om raker skal være i eller utenfor bunker på siden
din. På Miklagard skal rakene ligge i bunkeren, men spillerne har jo delte
oppfatninger om dette og det medfører at noen lar dem ligge i, mens andre
lar dem ligge utenfor.
Personlig mener jeg rakene skal ligge i bunker, ettersom dette er et hinder.
Hvis raken ligger utenfor og ballen treffer raken og spretter ned i
bunkeren, er dette ganske uheldig for spilleren.
Her er noen linjer ang temaet hentet fra http://www.ncga.org:
Placement of Bunker Rakes
Why are bunker rakes placed inside the bunkers on some golf courses, outside
the bunkers at other golf courses or half in/half out of bunker at other
golf courses?
Is the decision of placing rakes in or out of the bunkers made at the
superintendent level, the golf professional level or by the golfers who play
the course every day? Perhaps the maintenance worker who rakes bunkers on a
daily basis makes the decision. Regardless of who decides where the rake
should be placed, there are both good and bad consequences for the golfer.
Gail Rogers, Director of Education for the NCGA, has given Rules of Golf
workshops on a regular basis and is frequently asked the Shakespearian golf
question: Are rakes "To be or not to be" in the bunkers? The answer Rogers
gives the most is "the least obtrusive manner." "If courses have small, but
severely sloped bunkers, then they should consider having the rakes outside
the bunkers, due to the fact that if a ball comes to rest against the rake
on a steep bunker slope, the golfer is going to have a difficult time
getting the ball back to the original position," says Rogers. "When the ball
cannot come to rest no nearer the hole than its original position in the
bunker, the golfer must drop the ball outside the bunker, incurring a one
stroke penalty."
With some of the more modern courses that have large, relatively flat
bunkers, Rogers suggests having the rakes inside the bunkers. If the ball
comes to rest against a rake in a large, flat bunker, the likelihood of
getting the ball back to its original position is pretty good. So a case of
leaving the rakes in the bunker is warranted. However, the player needs to
be aware that in a large fairway bunker that has the rake on the opposite
side of where the golfer's ball entered the sandy hazard, the golfer would
be inclined to take the rake and use it to cover up their footprints while
walking over and preparing to hit their ball. This is considered testing the
surface and a penalty, two strokes, is assessed
The 2002-2003 Decisions on the Rules of Golf book has a ruling that deals
with this exact question. Miscellaneous Decision No. 2 answers the question,
should rakes be placed in or outside the bunkers? Granted, the decision is
not cut and dried, but the decision generally favors having the rakes
outside the bunker.
So, before a quick and hasty decision is made on the status of bunker rakes,
please take some time and assess the least obtrusive manner for rakes at
your course.
Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards
Thor Hellenæs
Sportsjef / Head of Sports
Miklagard Golf
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