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06.11 Kanskje Bagger får en fordel når det gjelder
køllevalget? Av: Brian Phillips
Arne Hole, Aftenposten, i omtalen av den, nye, transseksuelle, danske
spilleren på Ladies European Tour - Mianne Bagger
I read the article this morning and until this last sentence I thought the
journalist had done a reasonable job but I find this last sentence
disgusting. Here is a person that has mad e a major change in her life and
some arrogant journalist chooses to joke about it. I thought that Norwegian
journalists would have more sympathy for this.
Imagine the pain and distress Bagger has gone through to finally make the
decision to go for the sex change. I myself take my hat off to this brave
woman that has not only gone public about this but also has put herself in
the limelight and gone to qualify for the tour.
All the best to you Bagger. Mr Hole I feel sorry for you and your attitude
to life.
Brian Phillips
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