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03.09: Diskvalifikasjonen til Mark Roe og Jesper Parnevik i The Open:
Her er forklaringen
Mange mente at man kunne brukt "in exeptional individual cases"-paragrafen. I norsk presse har det vært liten oppmerksomhet rundt denne diskvalifikasjonen i årets utgaver av The Open i midten av juli. Internasjonalt har det  vært et stort tema. Høyst sannsynlig vil det komme endringer i reglene på tour'ene etter det som skjede.

Her er hva den offisielle web-siden for The Open sier om saken:

Facts behind controversial Open disqualification
The disqualification of Mark Roe and Jesper Parnevik after the third round of the Open Championship at Royal St George's has led to much comment and debate and many enquiries to the Rules Department of the R&A.

The facts of the case are that both players were handed their own score cards on the first tee by the starter in accordance with custom and practice at The Open Championship and consistent with the practice on the PGA European Tour. Unfortunately, the players failed to exchange score cards. This resulted in each player writing the other's score on his own card. After completing their rounds, the players checked the scores they had recorded, signed the score cards, returned them and left the recorders area.

Rule 6-6d in the Rules of Golf provides that a player is responsible for the correctness of the score recorded for each hole on his score card. If he returns a score for a hole that is lower than actually taken, he is disqualified. Due to the players failing to exchange cards, each player recorded and signed for at least one score for a hole that was lower than actually taken. As a consequence, both players were disqualified.

Decision 6-6d/4, taken from the 2002-2003 edition of Decisions on the Rules of Golf, covers an analogous situation which serves as clear precedent for such a case and the penalty of disqualification is not in doubt.

Although Rule 33-7 enables a committee to waive, modify or impose a penalty of disqualification "in exceptional individual cases", the case of Parnevik and Roe was not exceptional from a Rules of Golf perspective and is specifically covered by Rule 6-6d. Therefore, the Championship Committee had no option but to apply the Rule and disqualify the players concerned.

It is very unfortunate that such an incident should arise during the third round of The Open Championship, especially for Mark Roe who had played so well that day. As stated in the immediate aftermath of the incident, the R&A regrets that human error by the recorders in implementing the set recording procedures resulted in the players' error going undetected. However, it is important to understand that these checking procedures are there to try to assist the players and do not relieve them of any of their responsibilities.

The Rules are clear in providing that the player is responsible for the correctness of the score recorded for each hole and it is a basic principle of the game that the signing and returning of the score card is the means by which the player attests his score for each hole.

The Rules of Golf and Decisions on the Rules of Golf can be viewed on the R&A website which can be accessed by clicking the icon at the top right of the opengolf home page.

Fire startider etter at de to var diskvalifisert, kom Stuart Appleby og hans spillepartner inn for å levere scorekortene sine. Disse to hadde gjort akkurat samme feil som Roe og Parnevik. Nå hadde imidlertid de som tok i mot scorekortene "våknet", og feilen ble rettet før de to forlot lokalet. Mange har ment at man kunne bruke "inexeptional individual cases"-paragrafen, men det mente altså ikke komiteen.

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