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Robert Trent Jones jr.
tilbake til første side
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Klokere på det 19. hullet?
Norn hadde fått selvtilliten
tilbake etter runden, og
humøret var på vei oppover
igjen. Hans venn hadde en
forklaring på at alt var så
mer innlysende nå.
"Well you see, Norm, it's like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as
fast as the slowest buffalo.
And when the herd is hunted,
it is the slowest and
weakest ones at the back
that are killed first. This
natural selection is good
for the herd as a whole,
because the general speed
and health of the whole
group keeps improving by the
regular killing of the
weakest members.
In much the same way, the
human brain can only operate
as fast as the slowest brain
cells. Now, as we know,
excessive intake of alcohol
kills brain cells. But
naturally, it attacks the
slowest and weakest brain
cells first. In this way,
regular consumption of beer
eliminates the weaker brain
cells, making the brain a
faster and more efficient
And that, Norm, is why you
always feel smarter after a
few beers."
God forklaring på hvorfor
Norm følte seg klokere etter
runden. Skål!
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