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Robert Trent Jones jr.

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Slow golfers ahead!
Joe decides to take his boss Phil to play 9 holes on their lunch. While both men are enjoying a very good game, they are often held up by two women ahead of them, moving at a very slow pace. Joe offers to talk to the women to see if they can speed it up a bit. He gets about half of the way, stops, and comes jogging back to Phil.

His boss asks what the problem is. "Well, one of the women is my wife, and the other one is my mistress", explaines Joe. 

Phil just shook his head at Joe and started towards the women, determined to speed up his round of golf. Preparing to ask the ladies to speed up their game, he stopped short, and turned around heading back to Joe.

Joe asked "what´s wrong?"

"It´s a small world Joe, and you´re fired!"
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