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04.04 TaylorMade:
To nye baller
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TaylorMade Golf Company har nå kommet med to nye baller TP Red ogg TP Black. Begge ballene er allerede i bruk på tourene.

"We are extremely proud to introduce the TaylorMade TP Red and TaylorMade TP Black golf balls," forteller Sean Toulon som er executive vice president innenfor product and brand creation for TaylorMade og Maxfli.

"TaylorMade is the best performance brand in the world, and the TaylorMade TP line of equipment delivers performance worthy of the best players in the world. We believe that these two balls are the best-performing products in the premium category, and for those reasons they have been branded TaylorMade TP" sier han.

Både TaylorMade TP Red og TP Black er såkalte three-piece baller. Konstruksjonen er på originalspråket: NdV4 core, multi-blend ionomer mantle and ultra-thin thermoset urethane cover. Additionally, the TP Red and TP Black employ an advanced new PDP (pentangular di-pyramid) dimple design.

Her er målsettingen: "Our goal was to build two tour-quality, urethane-covered balls that generate faster ball speed for more distance than any other ball in the category, while also offering low spin off the driver and high spin off the irons. Dette fortalte Benoit Vincent, chief technical officer hos TaylorMade. "From that came the creation of TP Red and TP Black, which we believe delivers a better performance package than any other golf ball of its kind.

Så får vi etter hvert se om han får rett.

Golfsiden har ikke testet de nye ballene.

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