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Scotty Cameron Select Fastback 2 er en av de to nye modellene fra
17.01 Scotty Cameron:
Stadig nyheter
Nå kommer to nye modeller fra Scotty Cameron.
Det er to nye mid-mallet modeller - the Select Fastback 2 og Select Squareback
1.5. Disse er utviklet i nært samarbeid med noen av de beste spillerne i verden.
De blir tilgjengelige i midten av februar.
Golfsiden har ikke testet disse putterne ennå.
Her er en yuotube-vodeo
Her er karateristiske trekk for de to modellene:
• Select Fastback 2: Following the introduction of the 2018 Select Fastback
model on the worldwide professional golf tours, players immediately asked Scotty
for one option – a plumbing neck. The familiar, confidence-inspiring setup,
which provides one shaft of offset, has been incorporated into this rounded
mid-mallet. In addition to the new neck, subtle refinements have been made to
the topline for a slightly thinner look, as well as a reduction of face height.
• Select Squareback 1.5: Scotty’s new Squareback 1.5 incorporates a new
mini-slant neck that further squares off the overall shape and look at address
for the player seeking clean, distinct visual cues. Additionally, the draft
angle has been updated to accommodate the new neck, which also produces slightly
more toe flow than its mid-bend counterpart, the Select Squareback. Similar to
the Fastback 2, Scotty shaved some topline thickness for a thinner appearance
from address, and reduced the overall face height.
Both models adopt the Select line’s tour-proven multi-material construction
with a precision milled, MOI-enhancing 6061 aircraft aluminum face-sole
component expertly designed into the 303 stainless steel putter head.
Fra pressemeldingen:
SELECT WEIGHTING & ACCESSORIES: The Fastback 2 and Squareback 1.5 feature
Select-line advanced stability weighting with two, customizable stainless steel
heel-toe weights, stepless steel shafts and supple Black & Silver Matador
Mid-size grips developed to offer the comfort of a larger grip while maintaining
responsiveness and feel.
REFINED AESTHETICS: Every putter in the Select line features a raw
stainless steel finish with a unique bead blast for a radiant yet glare
resistant appearance. Smaller, double-milled “cherry dots” on the sole of the
Fastback 2 and the heel and sole of the Squareback 1.5 – inspired by Scotty’s
familiar three bright translucent red dot theme – with simplified, engraved
typography represents this modern, refined line.
Prisen blir NOK 3999.
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