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Reid med et av sine troféer som hun vant i Tyrkia i 2015
11.12 Mel Reid:
Forteller at hun er homofil
Det er ikke lett for idrettsfolk heller å fremstå som homofile. Det blir
imidlertid mer og mer vanlig.
Mel Reid har vunnet seks ganger på Europa Touren for damer. Hun er 31 år gammel
og spiller nå på LPGA Touren. Det var mandag i denne uken at hun sto fram.
Hun forteller: - The Tour is a very welcoming community and it’s rare that
anyone has an issue with sexuality or openly express any issues. The only
problem we run into is that being gay is still illegal or frowned upon in
certain countries we play in. There are also a lot of male-dominated sponsors
that are looking for certain types of players, so that’s why I have felt I can’t
be quite as open as I would like to be when it comes to my personal life.
Hun har holdt sin legning skjult inntil nå fordi hun har ment at dette vil
hjelpe hennes karriere.
- But then I started to wonder why these companies would want to sponsor me
and have me represent them if I can’t be my authentic self. There is only one of
you in the world and you have one life, so be the best version of yourself and
be proud of who you are. That’s when you attract the right people around you to
make you better, and ultimately, happier.
Hun vil være en "Athlete Ally pro ambassador".
På Twitter kan vi lese:
Mel Reid
Sharing my story in hopes it will help someone else share theirs. I’ve always
believed in fighting for equality & I’m beyond excited to join the @AthleteAlly
team. #BeBrave
Athlete Ally
"It's important for me to always fight for equality." We're incredibly honored
to announce @LPGA golfer @melreidgolf as an Athlete Ally Pro Ambassador, and
share her brave, inspiring coming out story. http://www.athleteally.org/mel-reid-comes-out-be-proud/
Mel Read er den første kvinnelige pro som går åpent ut i denne
sammenheng. I september kom japaneren Tadd Fujikawa ut av skapet.
Mer om det her Han huskes av mange som 15-åringen som i 2006 kvalifiserte
seg for US Open.
Her finner du
Her diskuterer du golf
Si din mening!!