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Karoline Stormo
30.10 Karoline Stormo:
Ute med korona
Det ble en kjedelig avslutning på sesongen på Symetra Touren fo Karoline Stormo.
Hun har testet positivt på Covid 19. Dermed gikk hun glipp av denne ukens
turnering på Pinehurst samt neste ukes finale i Symetra Tour Championship i
Davidson, Nord-Karolina.
Trist avslutning på sesongen, men hun ser frem til neste sesong allerede.
Dette skriver hun på Facebook om saken:
As part of the Symetra Tour’s COVID-19 testing process, I was informed today
that I have tested positive for COVID-19. I have withdrawn from next week’s
Symetra Tour Championship. I currently have mild symptoms and am self-isolating
as I work with the Tour and local health officials on contact tracing. I was
really hoping I could finish my rookie season with everyone on tour, but for now
I will turn my focus on getting healthy and ready for a new season. I wish
everyone good luck next week!