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20.02 Nytt handicapsystem:
Alle i verden skal få det samme
Det er i dag seks ulike systemer for å beregne handicap i golf. Nå blir det
Det har vært arbeidet i lengre tid for å få et felles handicapsystem for hele
verden. Dette er World Handicap System (WHS).
“We want to make it more attractive to golfers to obtain a handicap and strip
away some of the complexity and variation which can be off-putting for newcomers,”
sier R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers. Han fortsetter: “Having a handicap,
which is easier to understand and is truly portable around the world, can make
golf much more enjoyable and is one of the unique selling points of our sport.”
I en rapport heter det også:
"The new WHS system aims to more accurately gauge the score a golfer is
“reasonably capable of achieving” on any course around the world under normal
Det har vært et problem at ulike systemer rundt om i verden har ført til at
spillere med samme spillestyrke i ulike deler av verden har ulik handicap.
hentet fra WHS:
Key features of the WHS include:
*Flexibility in formats of play, allowing both competitive and recreational
rounds to count for handicap purposes and ensuring that a golfer’s handicap is
more reflective of potential ability.
*A minimal number of scores needed to obtain a new handicap; a recommendation
that the number of scores needed to obtain a new handicap be 54 holes from any
combination of 18-hole and 9-hole rounds, but with “some discretion available
for handicapping authorities or national associations to set a different minimum
within their own jurisdiction.”
*A consistent handicap that “is portable” from course to course and country to
country through worldwide use of the USGA course and slope rating system,
already used in more than 80 countries.
*An average-based calculation of a handicap, taken from the best eight out of
the last 20 scores and “factoring in memory of previous demonstrated ability for
better responsiveness and control.”
*A calculation that considers the impact that abnormal course and weather
conditions might have on a player’s performance each day.
*Daily handicap revisions, taking account of the course and weather conditions
*A limit of net double bogey on the maximum hole score (for handicapping
purposes only).
*A maximum handicap limit of 54.0, regardless of gender, to encourage more
golfers to measure and track their performance to increase their enjoyment of
the game.
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