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"The more I practice, the luckier I get"



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UKENS TIPS (Uke 33):

Tren bedre (Tips fra Vision54)

Pia Nilsson og Lynn Marriott hjelper Tutta på LPGA Tour'en. Pia Nilsson var den første kvinnelige, svenske  golfspilleren som satset hardt på golf. Hun var en meget god amatør. Nå har hun - allerede i mange år - arbeidet med å få andre spillere til å bli bedre bl.a. Annika Sörenstam.

Her er et generelt tips fra Visio54:

Keep Your Practice REAL, WIDE and DEEP
– A VISION54 Tip to Ensure Meaningful Practice –

If you make sure that you keep your practice sessions real, wide and deep, you’ll enjoy more meaningful and productive practice time. By real, we mean practice as if you were actually playing golf on the course – simulate real golf. With wide, we want you to ensure that you’re preparing and warming up all of the elements for peak performance – physical, technical, mental, emotional, social and spirit of the game. By deep, we mean that we want you to stay focused and pay attention to your intention/purpose.

VISION54 delivers integrated coaching programs that increase performance and individual development for golfers, for athletes, for coaches, for business – for life. Lynn Marriott and Pia Nilsson are company co-founders and creators of the VISION54 approach. As Complete Game Coaches, Marriott and Nilsson bring a refreshing and revolutionary outlook to the experience of learning, practicing, coaching and playing the game of golf.


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