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UKENS TIPS (Uke 48/21):
Brad Faxons putte-rutine
Brad Faxon er en av de beste putterne på PGA Touren.
Han har sin egen, enkle putte-rutine som han stoler på. Kanskje noe for deg?
Slik ser teksten ut. På linken under ser du videoen:
Brad Faxon’s putting routine
1 First, he reads the putt, making sure to track the entire line of the putt.
2 After he reads the putt, Faxon returns his ball to his marker and, using the
line on his golf ball, aims it where he wants to start the ball on his intended
break line.
3 In Faxon’s words, then he does one “exaggerated” practice stroke, designed to
“help with freedom and flow.”
4 Now comes the time to take your address position. The key thing here, Faxon
says, is making sure you’re in “continuous motion” to relieve nervous energy.
5 And all that’s left is to hit the putt.
Videoen hentet fra golf.com
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