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08.01 Camilo Villegas disket - var det "humant"?
Flyttet en torv mens ballen rullet
Camillo Villegas skulle chippe ballen inn på greenen, men den kom tilbake ned bakken. Dermed ble han et offer for regel 23-1 som forteller at man ikke kan flytte løse gjenstander når en ball beveger seg og gjenstanden kan influere på ballens bevegelse.

Diskvalifikasjonen har fått internasjonal presse. Her er hva skriver:

Villegas, who turned 29 on Friday, carded a one-under effort of 72 at the Plantation Course in Hawaii's Kapalua Resort.

But the Colombian unwittingly fell foul of Rule 23-1 at the par-five 15th where he twice chipped the ball up to the green only to watch as it rolled back to him.

On the second occasion, he illegally flicked away a divot of grass as the ball was still trickling back down the slope.

"It was pretty obvious what happened," Slugger White, the PGA Tour's vice president of rules and competition, said in a statement.

"I waited for Camilo to get here this morning (Friday). The first thing he said was: 'Am I gone?'. I said: 'Well, yeah, but I'd like you to look at the tape'. He said he'd like to look at the tape. He came over and saw it and knew right away."

Rule 23-1 states, in part: "...when a ball is in motion, a loose impediment that might influence the movement of the ball must not be removed".

Villegas should have incurred a one-shot penalty for the infraction. Instead, he completed his round and was therefore disqualified from the season opener for signing an incorrect scorecard.

Så kan man stille spørsmål om det kanskje hadde vært mer humant i en PGA-Tour-turnering om han kanskje kunne fått det straffeslaget som regelen åpner for før han startet den andre runden i stedet for å bli disket for feil utfylt scorekort hvor straffeslaget ikk evar tatt med. Mange golfregler er ikke så "humane". De opererer med "dødsstraff". Etter Golfsidens mening - litt for ofte. 

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